Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Mi Tercera Conferencia General

(Sent 10-2-16)

Wow, Another Conference has come and gone.

Delicias Zone - Top Baptizing Zone for June and August

Special Egg with a Surprise!

It's crazy to think that just one year ago I was on my first week in the field as a full-time missionary of Jesus Christ. Now, so much has happened. I've come to understand the gospel much more fully and I've learned better how to more actively apply it to my life.

I love General Conference. :)  Every message given was inspired of God. I made sure to have a couple of questions ready to be answered for the event. All of them were answered, and also some concerns that I had that I had forgotten that I had. It was amazing and a real testimony again to me about how Personal Revelation is here on the Earth, That God talks to his children, and that He knows us and loves us in ways that we cannot fully understand.

Toy inside Plastic Shell

I sure hope that Conference was a delight for you. But! It's not just supposed to be a delight for the 10 hours that we had it this weekend. The talks are going to come out on the internet, on your smartphone, and in the November Ensign. PLEASE read them again. Ask more questions, (or, if you didn't have questions for this weekend, MAKE some now!) and read the talks, listen to the talks again. Those talks literally, if applied, will provide you with the personal guidance that you need in your life to become a stronger disciple of Christ in these next 6 months and to come closer unto God, and know Him more.

I know that we have a living prophet on the earth today who leads and directs the restored Church of Christ through it's head, Jesus. I know that the Book of Mormon is the keystone to our arch of testimony. With it and its applied teachings, we are everything in Christ, Without it, we are just a pile of rocks. And I know that Joseph Smith was the Chosen prophet to restore Christ's Church and ALL of its teachings and in ALL it's glory on the earth once again.

What is it?
Elder Greenwood's New, Approved Cane

I love you all and invite you to apply what you have learned in Conference and what you are going to learn in your lives in the way that God would have you do it. How do you know how God wants you to do it? Ask, and ye shall receive.

Elder Greenwood :)

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