Tuesday, August 25, 2015

First week of the MTC!

Hello all my brothers and sisters in the Gospel!

Today is my first P Day here in the Mexico MTC. My P Days from now on will be on Wednesdays, however. My schedule was changed recently. Today, a bunch of us missionaries got to go and see the Mexico City Temple open house!! That temple is HUGE!! So big that it actually had escalators in it! It was an incredible experience to go there and be in a temple again. The feeling in the temple, even before it is dedicated, is a feeling like no other.

We drove through Mexico City. All those little things in the picture on the steep hill are houses and streets. Driving here would be so scary. You have basically no lanes. You merge when you feel like it and you can barely fit between cars. And there are people selling things in the middle of the road.

The food here is pretty good! The first day they served us soggy corndogs, and those were awful. But the next couple days, when they started to serve Mexican food, it got really good! I haven´t had any burritos or tacos here yet. Mostly just enchiladas, beans, tortillas, and rice. But it´s super tasty! And I hear that tonight is Costco Pizza Night! hahaha!

Everyone here says that the first week or two feels like it takes FOREVER. But you just need to make it to Sunday and you´ll love it. There are tons of meetings, but they were helpful and good. And once Sunday hits, it´s like BAM SPIRIT!! We watched a talk given by Elder Holland at the MTC in Provo back in 2013 when they re-dedicated 3 new buildings. It was so good. It got real. Elder Holland started to get really intense. He was talking about when sometimes people do some things in our church that we know we shouldn´t do, it makes him so mad. And then he said, "If you ever do that, oh you better hope that you don´t run into me in a dark alley!! I´d go crazy on you!"

We´ve started our language classes and they have been really helpful. And hard. We taught an investigator in full Spanish on our 2nd full day!! AYE CHIHUAHUA!! But I know that if I stay determined and prayerful, that the Lord will bless me with the Gift of Tongues.

My companion is taller than me!! He´s 6 foot 4 inches! He went to AF High School, his name is Elder Matt Gardner. He is a nice guy with a real strong testimony and a desire to do what´s right. He is going to Chihuahua with me. There are 5 Elders and 1 Hermana going to Chihuahua, including me.

I´ve also seen a lot of Lehi kids here! Elder Mortenson, Elder Rowley, Elder Makintosh, Elder Devlin (Wyatt), and Hermana Mortenson (Kimmy).

I know that this work is the work of God. You can feel the joy that comes from this work just by being a part of it. The CCM (Mexico MTC) is an amazing place to be and I can´t wait until I've been trained enough to go out into the field and proclaim this amazing Gospel!

Con Mucho Amor

Elder Greenwood :)

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